Restoration. Redemption. Resurrected dreams.
The byFaith Journey – Part 6
December 2014. That time of the year when you wonder how time flies, how a year has gone by, how a New Year’s Eve arrives like it’s just been a week since the last one….
The transition into 2015 had to be different. There was this strong sense that I had to step out of the boat I was journeying in… and walk. Walk on water. And if I had to do that, was I really ready? Remember, the conviction at the start of this journey, that this wasn’t about ‘me’? So there I was in December realigning the sails of my soul. Seeking strength, clarity and a renewal.
Come New Year’s eve and I had received so many confirmations that we were stepping into a season of restoration and redemption. It was time to make up time! The Word of the Lord for 2015 at the church I worship at only reiterated that sense. 2015 would be “A Year of Resurrected Dreams”
My journal entries were packed with promises each day. The type that gives you a sense that you’re near fruition.
I’ve mentioned that I knew there was a whole lot more for byFaith and ‘be Thoughtful’. If I truly believed that, I needed to be ready. I had always wanted to equip myself formally. For various reasons that hadn’t happened as yet. It stayed a dormant dream. In the first week of January, an ad for an Executive Management Programme at IIM Bangalore popped up on my screen! And this was specifically for Women Entrepreneurs. The contents of the course were just what I wanted. So perfect, so exciting!!! I got my application together, put down the business idea/plan and submitted it. The ‘old me’ would have wondered if I would make it or be disappointed again. But…. There was a confidence like never before. A confidence that wasn’t placed in ‘me’.
Come March and I received the offer letter for the course.
Stepping into that campus was one of the best parts of this journey. Ever.
The space to think, explore and learn. Every bit of the course seemed tailor made for byFaith and me. I felt like a child on a treasure hunt, finding treasure – one after another. Gleaning of the experiences and wisdom of incredible professors, in a class of talented fellow entrepreneurs, with the finest mentor I could ask for, at a campus that gives you that perfect place to ‘pause and ponder’. I felt spoilt.
On completion, I stepped out, with a new sense of confidence and courage. I couldn’t see the horizon yet, but there was a renewed impetus moving on. Moving on where and how? It had to be thoughtful and byFaith… the confidence of things (yet) unseen…